Share Your Story

How has God moved in or through you?

We all love a good story! The Bible is a great example, a love story of God reaching out to people and inviting them into His narrative. The amazing truth is that even today, God invites US into His story. As we move together as a church to fulfill the mission that God has set before us, we become part of His narrative. Has God used others to write your story of coming to know Jesus, to love others, to live changed? Has He allowed you to become part of someone else’s story? We invite you to share it with your church family by clicking on the button or any of the images below!
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” (Hebrews 10:24) Allow your story to encourage and stir up your church family by sharing it with us today. Click on the button or images below to submit your God story!
Share a “go & tell” or “come & see” story with us!

Did God prompt and empower you to “go & tell” about your faith? Did you invite someone to “come and see” …and they CAME?!? Tell us about it! In the photo here are 2 of our high school seniors, sharing on an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) night at Port Charlotte High. Where has God prompted you to tell your story, and what happened? Maybe YOU were a “come & see” invitee – a friend invited you to meet Jesus or experience their community on Sundays – and it has changed your life. Share your story of compelling faith with us, so others might be compelled to do the same!

Has your faith been deepened through selfless service?

Bill, a retired electrician, heard about the Rookie Dads program at Pregnancy Solutions, one of our Impact Partners. “I want dads to have knowledge and encouragement I didn’t have. It makes such a difference, especially with all the complicated and broken situations we see at the Center … I truly love helping people.” How has God used serving to deepen your faith or to give you the opportunity to show love to others? Or maybe you were blessed by someone else’s selfless service. Share your story with us by clicking on the image or the button below! 

How has extravagant generosity spilled over into your story?
We see it weekly here at Movement – kids & youth have been sent to camp, missionaries have been supported, people in need have received benevolence, and Impact Partners have make a difference in the community … through YOUR generosity. How has extravagant generosity become a part of your story? Perhaps you were a beneficiary, or you saw the impact of some of the above examples in a tangible, personal way. Maybe you were enriched after bringing a blessing to someone (Prov. 11:25). Share your story with us by clicking on the image or the button below! 
Do you have a story of honest community?

God made us for community! When we drop our walls and have open, honest communication with each other, real growth can happen! In the February 4th sermon on Honest Community, we shared Jamie’s story – she took something she heard about herself, and was willing to ask, “What could God teach me through this?” We also heard about the honest community shared by pastor Duane’s group of 7th grade boys, how it contributed to sharing of burdens, prayer on behalf of each other, and the salvation of one of the boys! How has God used honest community to grow you? Click the button below to share your story!

What (or who) has helped you grow in faith?

If the new flowers you planted out front grow, you notice! The stalks inch closer to the sky, buds form, vibrant colors emerge. The same can be said of a Christian who continues to inch closer and closer to Christ! Levi, a 7th grader, was challenged to grow and take next steps – by his family, his small group leader, his friends. Levi now serves in both children’s ministry on Sundays, and in Good News Club at Deep Creek Elementary. He constantly tries new things – teaching the memory verse, leading a large group lesson, talking 1:1 with someone about his own faith. Just like a plant, Levi’s faith continues to grow!

What is your “I was…but now…” story?

If you haven’t heard Pastor Duane tell Mason’s story, you should stop and ask him, or better yet, ask Mason! It’s a story that starts with another young man who came back changed from summer camp, hungry to read his Bible. And so he began asking people if they wanted to read the Bible with him! One of the people he asked was Mason, who lived down the street. That invitation led Mason to know Jesus, and his life was changed. Of course, that’s not the end of the story. Both of the young men in this story continue to accept God’s invitation to join His narrative as they invite others to meet and know Jesus.